A、A career path the company would encourage Miss Green to take. B、The salary and welfare the company would offer. C、An MA in Exp

admin2019-03-26  48

M: So why did you decide to leave?
W: Three years is a long time to be asking people those sort of questions about shampoo and drinks. No, seriously, after two years I was in charge of the Research Department of the agency and I had one assistant researcher. I guess after two years of doing that I suppose I felt you know, I can do this well and now I want to do something else that is a little different. And there was nowhere for me to go inside the company. It just wasn’t challenging for me any more and because I needed a challenge, I decided to move on. When I heard about the position of senior researcher here, I thought that’s exactly what I want: the chance to combine my management skills and my research interests working in a much larger department with more varied work.
M: And you felt the job descriptions in our advertisement would offer you the kind of challenge you’re looking for?
W: Exactly. Yes. As I said, management in a larger organization and research combined. Also, to be honest with you, I heard about the job before it was advertised. A friend of mine, who works here, Mark Austin, told me a few weeks ago that you were looking for someone to take over the job. He described the position to me in quite a bit of detail and I thought, well, that’s exactly what I am looking for. So really I’d written my letter of application before the job was even advertised.
M: I should tell you that with the present cutbacks we have only got one full-time administrative assistant in the section. How would you feel about doing your own word processing, photo copying, that sort of thing?
W: Oh, I am used to that. I have done all my own word processing for ages. It’s the only way to write, really, isn’t it? I can type well, about 60 words a minute. I did a secretarial course after I left school, so I learnt typing and shorthand. Then a few years later I bought a PC and I learnt how to do word processing too.
M: Well, that’s handy. Now in the position you’ve applied for you’d have five assistant researchers responsible to you. That’s considerably more responsibility than you’ve had before so you are obviously ambitious and as you said you like a challenge. I was wondering what you see yourself doing in, say, five or ten years down the track?
W: Oh, that is a difficult question. Let me try to answer your question this way. I am particularly interested in experimental design and also in teaching. I’d like to continue the organization and planning side of research but do some teaching too. I know that you have lecturers here who do just that sort of thing: some practical work, and some undergraduate and postgraduate teaching, so that’s what I’d really be aiming for to be a lecturer here as well.
M: Well, that’s certainly a career path that we’d encourage you to follow, but of course it might be necessary to upgrade your present qualifications first. I see from your resume that you’ve enrolled in an MA in Experimental Psychology. Could you tell me a bit about the courses you are planning to take?
6. Why did Miss Green want to leave the advertising agency?
7. How did Miss Green react to a heavier workload in the new job?
8. What did Miss Green do right after she left school?
9. What did Miss Green think she would do in five or ten years?
10. In the end, what would the speakers continue to talk about?

选项 A、A career path the company would encourage Miss Green to take.
B、The salary and welfare the company would offer.
C、An MA in Experimental Psychology.
D、The courses Miss Green would take.


解析 本题问对话最后谈话者将会继续讨论什么话题。在对话录音末尾,面试者问Miss Green“将会选择什么课程。”据此,选择D项。
