A、Apply to an American university. B、Do research on higher education. C、Perform in a famous musical. D、Pursue postgraduate studi

admin2021-01-06  16

M: Emma, I got accepted to the University of Leeds. Since you’re going to university in England, do you know how much it is for international students to study there?
W: Congratulations!Yes, I believe for international students, you’ll have to pay around £13,000 a year. It’s just a bit more than the local students.
M: Okay, so that’s about $17,000 for the tuition and fees. Anyway, I’m only going to be there for a year, doing my master’s. So it’s pretty good. If I stayed in the U.S., it’d take two years and cost at least $50,000 in tuition alone. Also, I have a good chance of winning a scholarship at Leeds, which would be pretty awesome, the benefits of being a music genius.
W: Yeah, I heard you’re a talented piano player. So you’re doing a postgraduate degree now? I’m still in my last year, graduating next June. Finally, I’ll be done with my studies, and could go on to earning loads of money.
M: Are you still planning on being a teacher? No money in that job then.
W: You’d be surprised. I’m still going to be a teacher. But the plan is to work at an international school overseas, after I get a year or so of the experience in England. It’s better pay, and I get to travel, which reminds me I’m late for my class and I’ve got some documents I need to print out first. I’d better run.
Questions 12 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
12. What does the man want to know?
13. What is the man going to do?
14. What might qualify the man for a scholarship at Leeds University?
15. What is the woman planning to do after graduation?

选项 A、Apply to an American university.
B、Do research on higher education.
C、Perform in a famous musical.
D、Pursue postgraduate studies.


解析 对话中女士介绍了学校的收费情况后,男士表示在英国攻读硕士学位一年需要花费17,000美元,并指出无论如何,他只打算在那儿待一年,攻读硕士。因此答案为D)。
