
admin2014-04-28  59

问题 北京故宫建于明永乐年间,至今已有500多年的历史。它占地72公顷,建筑面积15万平方米,共有殿宇9999.5间。它的前面是天安门广场。故宫既是一座举世无双的古代宫殿建筑群,又是一座明清宫廷史迹和中国古代文化艺术博物馆。这里是两朝24个皇帝的历史舞台,是中国15世纪以来历史的见证。这里有90余万件文物,包括书法、绘画、珠宝、古玩、金、银、铜、玉器皿,陶瓷、织绣、钟表、雕塑及铭刻等珍贵文物。欧阳斋编写的《国宝欣赏100种》一书,列举了自新石器时代至清末五大类(工艺美术品、青铜器、绘画、书法、陶瓷)100种国宝,其中大部分收藏在故宫。可见,这里是中华国宝荟萃之处。


答案The Forbidden City in Beijing, now called the Palace Museum, was first built during the Yongle period of the Ming Dynasty, more than 500 years ago. It is not only an ancient palace complex that is incomparable in size and scale, but also a museum of the court relies of the Ming and Qing Dynasties and of the Chinese ancient culture and arts. It used to be the scene of activities put up by the twenty - four emperors of the two dynasties; it also bears witness to China’s history from the 15th century on. The book 100 National Treasures edited by Ouyang Zhai lists 100 national treasures under five categories dating from the New Stone Age (Neolithic period) to the late Qing Dynasty, most of which are kept in the Palace Museum. Therefore, the Palace Museum is one of the repositories of China’ s national treasures.

