
admin2016-09-27  85

问题     40年前,联合国在这里召开了首次人类环境会议,发表了具有划时代意义的历史性文献《人类环境宣言》,形成了人类环境行动计划,提出了一个响遍世界的口号:只有一个地球!那次会议标志着人类对环境问题的普遍觉醒,开启了可持续发展的新纪元。中国的环保和可持续发展事业也从此摆上政府的重要日程。今天,我们隆重纪念这一历史盛会,重温宣言的经典篇章,更加赞叹前人的远见卓识,更能领悟当代人的重大责任。


答案Four decades ago here, the United Nations held the first conference on the human environment. It adopted an epoch-making document, the Declaration on the Human Environment, developed the Action Plan for the Human Environment, and made a resounding appeal—"Only One Earth". That conference awakened mankind to the environmental issue and ushered in a new era of sustainable development. Since then, environmental protection and sustainable development have become a high priority on the agenda of the Chinese government. Today, as we commemorate that historic conference and as the call of the Declaration comes to mind again, we cannot but all the more marvel at the vision of our predecessors and be more keenly aware of the major responsibilities that we, the present generation, have on our shoulders. China is committed to pursuing sustainable development. As a matter of fact, sustainable development is embodied in China’s traditional values. Over 2,000 years ago, Chinese philosophers called for maintaining "unity between heaven and man" and following "the law of nature" so as to a-chieve harmony between man and nature. As we see it, this is the ultimate goal for us in pursuing sustainable development. Over the past 40 years, China has attended all the international conferences which were crucial in shaping and enriching the concept of sustainable development. China takes resources conservation and environmental protection as a state policy and pursues sustainable development as a national strategy. Entering the 21st century, China is pursuing economic and social development under the guidance of the Scientific Outlook on Development, a fundamental principle which calls for putting people first and promoting balanced and sustainable development in all areas. China believes that a commitment, once made, must be honored. In the past 40 years, with rich practices in promoting sustainable development, China has honored its commitment both to its own people and to the international community. It has instituted the most stringent systems for managing farmland and water resources, and fed one fifth of the global population with less than 10% of the world’s farmland and only 28% of the world’s per capita water resources. China has carried out afforestation for decades, with coverage now reaching 620,000 square kilometers. ------Speech on Sustainable Development by Wen Jiabao

