
admin2019-05-30  60

问题    瓷器(porcelain)追求纯净优雅的美,这在青花瓷中体现得最为充分。青花瓷作为中国瓷器的代表,以白色和蓝色所构成的简洁清雅世界,表现宁静清洁的美。青花瓷是中国瓷器的典型形态,明清两代出口的瓷器中,八成是青花瓷。青花瓷在唐代之前就有了,而真正形成规模并出现杰出作品则是在元代。明代是青花瓷的成熟期,中国青花瓷器的大量珍品大都出自这个时期。青花瓷之所以在中国瓷坛独占鳌头,主要是因为它与中国人长期追求的平淡纯真、自然从容的文化和美学精神相契合。


答案 Pure and elegant beauty is the goal that porcelain pursues, and this ideal is best explained in the Blue and White Porcelain. As a typical artifact of Chinese porcelain, Blue and White Porcelain displays a white and blue world of conciseness and elegance, serenity and purity. Blue and White Porcelain is the most representative of Chinese porcelain. Among the porcelain exported during the Ming and Qing dynasties, 80 percent was Blue and White Porcelain. Blue and White Porcelain emerged long before the Tang dynasty, but it was not until the Yuan dynasty that this type of porcelain came to be produced in quantity, with the attendant masterpieces. The Ming dynasty witnessed the maturity of the art, and a large number of valuable pieces were produced in this period. Blue and White Porcelain occupies a prominent position in the Chinese porcelain industry, for it accords well with the culture and aesthetic spirit the Chinese have long pursued—simplicity, unaffectedness, and ease.

