
admin2019-07-04  91

问题 今年以来,我国连续发生严重自然灾害,给受灾地区群众生产生活造成严重影响。在各部门各地区共同努力下,抗灾救灾工作取得了显著成绩。当前,安置受灾群众、开展灾后恢复重建工作很繁重,中央有关部门、受灾地区各级党委和政府一定要高度重视,科学规划,加大投入,精心组织,全力抓好。要切实安排好受灾群众基本生活,抓紧制定和实施灾后恢复重建规划,全面抓好各项生产特别是农业生产,帮助受灾群众重建家园,促进灾区经济社会全面发展。要坚持兴利除害结合、防灾减灾并重、治标治本兼顾、政府社会协同,尽快启动水利重点薄弱环节工程建设,加快建立地质灾害易发区调查评价体系、监测预警体系、防治体系、应急体系,提高对自然灾害的综合防范和抵御能力。


答案The country was hit by a wave of serious natural disasters from the beginning of this year, which have caused grave damage to the lives of people in the disaster-hit areas. With joint efforts of various departments and localities, remarkable progress has been made in the relief and rescue processes. At present, the country still faces arduous tasks of helping the resettlement of affected residents and rebuilding the disaster-hit areas. Relevant departments of the central government and all levels of the CPC units and government offices in the disaster-hit areas should pay high attention to these tasks. They should scientifically plan, increase input in, meticulously organize, and seriously carry out recovery efforts. They should tend to the affected people’ s basic living needs, speed up drafting and implementation of reconstruction plans, help bring the local economy, especially agricultural production, back on track, help the affected people rebuild homes, and facilitate social and economic development. During the reconstruction, they must continuously combine improvements with reductions in damage, balance disaster prevention and reduction efforts, tackle problems at root and at surface, and join government and social efforts. Programs to address the weaknesses of water resources projects should be started as soon as possible. Efforts should also be sped up to establish risk assessment systems, monitoring networks, and disaster prevention and emergency response systems in disaster-prone areas, in a bid to strengthen the country’ s comprehensive ability to head off and deal with natural disasters.

