祖冲之,南北朝时期杰出的数学家、天文学家(astronomer)。祖冲之从小兴趣广泛,对天文、数学和机械制造尤为感兴趣。在数学家刘徽研究的基础上,经过上千次的运算,祖冲之推论出圆周率值(the value of pi)在3.1415926与3.141592

admin2016-04-01  49

问题     祖冲之,南北朝时期杰出的数学家、天文学家(astronomer)。祖冲之从小兴趣广泛,对天文、数学和机械制造尤为感兴趣。在数学家刘徽研究的基础上,经过上千次的运算,祖冲之推论出圆周率值(the value of pi)在3.1415926与3.1415927之间。祖冲之计算得出的圆周率值比西方数学早了1000多年。此外,他还与儿子一起,推算出球体体积的公式。祖冲之父子的数学研究成果汇集在《缀术》一书中。除了数学上的成就,祖冲之还对天文和机械制造做出了突出的贡献。


答案 Zu Chongzhi was a prominent mathematician and astronomer during the Southern and Northern dynasties. When he was young, he had a broad range of interests, especially in mathematics, astronomy and machinery. Based on the earlier research of mathematician Liu Hui, he concluded that the value of pi falls among 3.1415926 to 3.1415927 after more than a thousand times of calculation. The value of pi he had calculated was more than 1000 years ahead of the western mathematics. Apart from that, he also deduced the formula for the volume of a sphere with his son. The mathematical accomplishments of Zu chongzhi and his son were gathered in the book Zhui Shu. Besides the achievements in mathematics, he also made great contribution to the astronomy and machinery.

