MP3 Players Despite a cloud of controversy / and litigation over the legality of some web music sites, / online music files a

admin2019-04-29  47



答案 MP3 Players Despite a cloud of controversy / and litigation over the legality of some web music sites, / online music files are apparently here to stay. / Many of those files are transferred / from computers to more than 3.5 million portable MP3 players, / small as a radio, or even smaller. / Music fans have already downloaded an estimated 5 million copies of software programs that play computer files. / These files that use MP3 encoding currently are the predominant means of compressing music files online. / Many MP3 players look much like portable radios. / Others look like large pens or even watches.

解析 由于连读和近似音干扰,首句“Despite a cloud of controversy and litigation over the legality ofsome web music sites, online music files are apparently here to stay.”误听成“Despite a crowd ofcontroversy and litigation over the legality of some web music sites,online music files areapparently hear to say.”短语a cloud of意为“大量的”,一般修饰dust/smoke/gas或抽象性的东西,用在此处指“大量的”争论和起诉,而a crowd of一般形容具体人或东西的“多”。另外,听音时如把stay误听为say,可以在检查时看到online music files are apparently hear to say不符语法规则和语义。
