American urbanization went forward in the same climate of the unexpected that has characterized urbanization everywhere. Townsme

admin2019-07-30  67

问题     American urbanization went forward in the same climate of the unexpected that has characterized urbanization everywhere. Townsmen, home builders, immigrants, businesses, and governments have made their way in a setting of constant change. They have dwelt in a space they could never know or predict. The settlement , the building and rebuilding, the economy and the governance of American cities thus takes the shape of a history of peoples who brought commonly accepted knowledge and traditions to a situation that demanded continuing adaptation and change.
    Today the United States is a thoroughly urbanized nation. Only 3. 4 percent of the population still farms, and everyone else, regardless of the size of the settlement, is employed in urban-type jobs. Yet for all the novelty of the present situation, survivals of past stages of American urbanization continues as active tensions within the new totally urbanized setting.
    The racial conflicts between whites and blacks, devolving from the seventeenth century enslavement of Africans, grind on. Seventeenth, eighteenth, and nineteenth century conflicts among farmers, village merchants, city brokers, and bankers go forward in the politics of governments-subsidized agriculture and government-managed banking. The rivalries among developers, contractors, and cities that characterized the building of nineteenth century canals and railroads reappear in the politics of interstate highways, airplanes, and telecommunications. The specialized city districts that first took shape in the nineteenth century now have been magnified a thousand times into the giant mosaics of metropolitan suburbs, industrial and office parks, shopping centers, and resort and retirement settlements. The community-destroying tensions of relative poverty amidst great wealth first appeared with urban boom of the early nineteenth century. At that time these tensions found their characteristic outlets in workers unions. Now riches and poverty are separated into distant enclaves within vast metropolitan regions, and class conflicts appear in the rivalry of economic factions for special advantages within the system of welfare capitalism of the federal government. The American city remains, as in the nineteenth century, the preeminent place of class contrast, but in the current national and international economy of the United States the city is no longer the place where relief can be sought.


答案 美国的城市化,在那些毫无预见的人看来,是在其他地方的城市化毫无二致的气氛中进行的。城镇居民、营造家园者、外地移民、商贸往来、政府部门,都在不断变化的环境中拓展。他们生活在一个自己不可能知道,也不可能预见的空间中。因此,美国城市的开拓,建设和重建,经济发展,管理整治,呈现出一种历史形式,即不同的民族把共同接受的知识和传统带到了一个需要不断调整和改变的情势下。 如今的美国已是一个彻底城市化的国家;除了3.4%的人依然务农外,其他人,不管其财产处理方式如何,均从事城市型的工作。尽管当前的情况很新奇,但是,美国城市化过程中各个历史阶段遗留下来的东西,都作为灵敏的张力继续出现在完全城市化的新环境中。 从17世纪非洲人沦为奴隶开始的白人和黑人之间的种族冲突,依然存在;17、18和19世纪农场主、农村商人、城市经纪人、银行家之间的分歧,仍然在政府补贴农业、政府管理银行的政治方面有增无减。19世纪开发者、承包商和城镇一度围绕开渠修路展开的竞争,又重新出现在州际公路、机场和电讯等建设上。19世纪首次形成的专业化市区,如今扩大了上千倍,已成为都市郊区、工业园区、办公园地、购物中心、避暑疗养地等庞大建筑群体。随着19世纪初期城市的繁荣,首先在巨富中间出现了相对贫困,造成破坏社区的紧张状况。当时的这种紧张状况主要表现在工人组织之中。现在的贫富分化已在广大城区中形成差异,非常悬殊的社区,阶级冲突已随着经济派别在联邦政府实行的福利资本主义制度内争夺特殊利益而出现。现在的美国城市仍然是像19世纪那样是一个阶级差别鲜明的地方,但是,在美国当前的国家和国际经济中,城市不再是人们可以寻求轻松的去处。

