
admin2021-08-19  89

问题     走进中国园林,你会被它特有的东方情调所吸引:这里的建筑小巧细腻、曲折含蓄而充满静谧,与大自然的风光相比,更具人性的追求,一石一木都透着文化的意味。中国园林之美,在于它熔文化、艺术于一炉。北方的皇家园林,既有小桥流水、曲径通幽的园林胜景,又有气势宏伟的宫殿式建筑群,充分表现了皇家气派;江南的私家园林,凭借天然的山水、植被优势,展现出有别于北方园林的意趣;这些园林多属官吏、富商和文人所有,与私人的住宅连在一起,既有住房、厅堂、书房,又有由许多亭、台、楼、阁、榭、舫、山水、植物组成的园林胜景,往往形体不大,却着力于模拟自然山水的神态。


答案 Walking into a Chinese garden, one cannot help but be enchanted by its unique oriental flavor; and walking in an atmosphere of tranquility and peace, one will discover something unlikely to be found in Western architecture— delicate and refined, complex and contained in its quietude. In contrast with natural scenery, the beauty of Chinese gardens are more of a humanistic pursuit, with every piece of stone and wood glittering with culture. The beauty of Chinese garden lies in their combining cultural and art into one. In northern imperial gardens, natural scenes with bridges, creeks and winding paths are interspersed with magnificent palatial architectural groups, fully exemplifying the royal dignity. In contrast, private gardens south of the Yangtze River play upon their hills, rivers and naturally rich vegetation and achieve a charm not to be found in northern gardens. These gardens typically belong to government officials, merchants and scholars, serving as part of their private residence, combining living quarters, reception halls and studies with a fascinating array of pavilions, corridors, terrace houses, hills, creeks and vegetation, not large in size but intent on capturing the feeling of natural scenery.

解析     冒号前为本段的主题句,翻译时使用分号隔开,自成一句。“所吸引”译为be enchanted by,同时使用cannot help but体现出情不自禁陶醉于其中之意。冒号后的内容主要分两部分,“这里的建筑……静谧”直叙中国园林的特点,之后的内容是通过中国园林与大自然的对比,反衬出中国园林的特点,翻译时需要理清其中的关系;前一部分承接上文的“东方情调”,而“这里的建筑”表示人已经走进园林内了,故翻译也承接前一句的walking into,用walking in表达行走于园林内之意;“充满静谧”不仅是建筑物的特色,更是对园林整体环境和氛围的描述,故翻译时增译an atmosphere of放在walking in之后,以便引出中国园林的特点,同时承接上文的“东方情调”,添加unlikely to be found in Western architecture告诉读者,这些特点是东方园林建筑不同于西方建筑的特色,进一步强调了主题句中的“特有的东方情调”;“一石一木都透着文化的意味”使用具象化的表达glitter with culture. 将文化比作光,更生动形象。
    “与私人的住宅连在一起”可以理解为“这些园林是私人宅邸的一部分”,因此译为serving as part of their private residence;“既有”“又有”引出了宅邸内的功能区,使用动名词combining引出伴随状语,接着其后使用介词with引出“亭、台、楼、阁、榭、舫、山水、植物组成的园林胜景”,伴随状语以及介词的使用令译文句型灵活多样,层次分明。亭、台、楼、阁、榭、舫是在中国园林中常见的几种建筑,其内涵有重叠也有细微的不同,这里采用意译的方法,将具有相似特征的“亭、榭、舫”合并译为pavilions,将“楼阁”合并译为terrace houses。
