A、To travel with his parents. B、To organize a picnic in the country. C、To cruise, even without his friends. D、To take a flight t

admin2013-10-31  22

W: How many people turned out at the fund raising event?
M: Fewer people came than we had expected. It was disappointing, but we made a little money for our organization.
W: Sorry, I wasn’ t able to attend. I intended to.
Q: What did the man say about the fund raising event?
W: I heard that you and some friends are organizing a cruise to Maldives.
M: It’ s never really got off the ground.
W: That’ s too bad. It sounded like fun.
M: Yeah, I’ m still planning to go. Alone if I have to.
Q: What is the man planning to do?

选项 A、To travel with his parents.
B、To organize a picnic in the country.
C、To cruise, even without his friends.
D、To take a flight to the Maldives instead.


解析 根据文中you and some friends are organizing a cruise to Maldives以及Alone if I have to可知即使是没有朋友,他也会自己一个人去航行。
