The following chart shows citizens’ choices of drinks. Look at the chart carefully and write your response in about 200 words, i

admin2022-07-07  47

问题     The following chart shows citizens’ choices of drinks. Look at the chart carefully and write your response in about 200 words, in which you should interpret the chart and give your comments.

    Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.


答案 Citizens’ Choices of Drinks As we can see in the chart, most people choose boiled water, mineral water or purified water for drinking. Juice and tea follow behind. A small number of people choose carbonated beverages, milk tea, and coffee. Since water is the most crucial necessity in our life and more and more people become increasingly aware of the importance of health, the quality of drinking water definitely is the concern of everyone. First of all, it is a well-known truth that human beings cannot live without water. No matter how wealthy you are, you still need to drink water. Drinking more water can dissolve and wash away many toxic substances in human body, so it is helpful to people’s health and survival. Moreover, manufacturers often put a lot of food additives to make drinks tasty and to prevent them from going bad. Taking those chemicals for a long time may damage people’s health. Therefore, people should not drink too many soft drinks. On the whole, people choose boiled water, mineral water or purified water for drinking out of the pursuit of health.

解析     本题属于图表作文。饼图主要反映了市民对饮品的选择,从图中可以看出选择白开水和矿泉水或纯净水的人占据了大多数。在具体行文方面,考生应首先描述图表的内容;然后具体阐述人们作出这种选择的原因;最后总结全文,表明自己的观点。
