A、She has no problems at all. B、She hasn’t had any major problems. C、She would rather not discuss her problems now. D、It’s hard

admin2014-03-25  35

W: What do you think of my new hat?
M: I’m sure you’ll never need to bring an umbrella with you wearing it. And besides, do you think the color is right for your age?
Q: What does the man mean?
M: You’ve been at university for over a year. Have you had any problems adjusting to campus life?
W: Well, you know we all have our ups and downs but none to speak of.
Q: What does the woman mean?

选项 A、She has no problems at all.
B、She hasn’t had any major problems.
C、She would rather not discuss her problems now.
D、It’s hard for her to explain her problems in words.


解析 女士的话have our ups and downs but none to speak of为听音重点。B)是对女士的话的同义转述,故为答案。ups and downs意为“盛衰,浮沉”,在此指problems。none/nothing to speak of意为“不值一提”。
