在指南针发明以前,人们在茫茫大海上航行,只能靠太阳和星星的位置辨认方向,如果遇上阴雨天,就会迷失方向。是中国人发明的指南针帮助人们解决了这个难题。指南针是指示方向的仪器。早在战国时期(the Warring States Period(475BC-221

admin2013-11-12  43

问题     在指南针发明以前,人们在茫茫大海上航行,只能靠太阳和星星的位置辨认方向,如果遇上阴雨天,就会迷失方向。是中国人发明的指南针帮助人们解决了这个难题。指南针是指示方向的仪器。早在战国时期(the Warring States Period(475BC-221 BC)),中国人就发现了磁石(magnet)指示南北的特性,并根据这种特性制成了指示方向的仪器——司南(sinan)。到了宋代,人们制成了“罗盘”(luopan)。指南针的发明,给航海事业带来了划时代的影响,世界航运史也由此翻开了新的一页。


答案 Before the compass was invented, most people identified the direction at sea, only depending upon the position of the sun and stars. If it was cloudy or rainy, people would lose the direction in this way. It was the compass, invented by the Chinese people, that solved this problem. The compass is the instrument used for indicating direction. As early as the Warring States Period(475 BC-221 BC), the Chinese discovered that a magnet could be applied to indicate the south and north, and a direction-indicating instrument sinan was made on the basis of this feature. In the Song Dynasty, people created a proper compass called luopan. The invention of the compass had an epoch-making influence on navigation, thereby opening up a new era in the history of international navigation.

