Passage 2

admin2010-10-11  32

问题 Passage 2
I am honored to speak as the host of the conference that will help us map out a sustainable future. The theme of this conference is "People, Planet, Prosperity". The issues that delegates will present and debate over the next two and a half days concern all of us here, as we seek to ensure that economic growth can develop hand in hand with social progress and protection of our natural environment. There is a widespread concern in all sectors of the global society for the sustainability of our current way of living. //
    Many nations respond with a high level of commitment to achieving positive results. Governments, both at the city and national levels, obviously have a pivotal role to play in implementing the principles of sustainable development. It is equally essential for people and organizations outside governments, including the business sector, to also play a leading role in pushing towards more sustainable practices and lifestyles. Let us act according to the principle of "thinking globally and acting locally", and work hard to make our cities better for future generations.


答案我很荣幸能以东道主的身份在这里发表讲话,与大家共商可持续发展的蓝图。这次会议的主题是“人、地球、繁荣”。与会代表在这两天半所要发表和辩论的课题与我们每一位都息息相关,我们努力确保经济增长与社会进步和自然环境保护并行不悖。人类现行生活方式能否持续,广受全球各界关注。// 许多国家积极参与会议,争取获得成果。地方和中央政府在推动可持续发展方面都肩负重任。同样关键的是:商界和民间组织等非政府机构和人民,对于推动可持续发展工作和生活方式,同样起着领导作用。让我们依照“全局思维、本地行动”的原则行动起来,努力为子孙后代建立更美好的城市(环境)。

