•You will hear a business presentation about 3 simple selling tactics. •As you listen, for questions 1—-12, complete the notes,

admin2010-01-31  35

问题 •You will hear a business presentation about 3 simple selling tactics.
•As you listen, for questions 1—-12, complete the notes, using up to three words or a number.
•You will hear the recording twice.
                           SELLING TACTICS
   Business Presentation
   Pay Attention to Getting Attention
   1. A major obstacle of selling things is that your sales message will be______ Three proven ways you can capture a prospect’s attention quickly:
   2. Make a______
   3. Emphasize the ______
   4. Trigger Your Customer’s      
   Emphasize the Human Relationship
   5. Prospective customers are more receptive to buying from a real person than from ______
   6. Sell yourself to make prospective customers ______ with the selling process,
   7. Sell your company and its history of producing results to make prospective customers confident of your ability to deliver ______
   Trigger Your Customer’s imagination
   8.  Convert  the  benefits  delivered  by  your  product  or  service  into
   9. Put your prospect in the picture by dramatizing what it feels like to be
   10. Be ______
   11. If you promote a business opportunity, describe what it feels like to be at home working ______
   12. Be sure your word pictures are dramatizing benefits and ______  
M: Good morning everyone and welcome. Thanks for coming. My name is Bob Leduc. Today I will talk  about  some  selling  tactics.  The following 3 simple selling tactics produce sales by responding to the way customers normally think and behave.   They work for any business—regardless of what you sell, how you sell or where you sell it.
    1. Pay Attention to Getting Attention Can you remember  the  last 3  advertising messages beamed at you? Can you remember even one of them? Most people can’t, including your prospective customers.  That% because they automatically ignore the steady stream of advertising directed at them. This illustrates a major obstacle you need to overcome before you can sell anything.  You have to get your prospect’s attention—and get it fast—or your sales message will be ignored.  Here are 3 proven ways  you can  capture a  prospect’s attention quickly, Make a dramatic statement: Example: "Even My Doctor Uses These Health Products" I  Surprise  your  prospects  with something unexpected:  Example:  "Try our service without charge for one month; why aren’t you making six figures?" And I’d like to tell  you  a  tip:  Include  attention  getting headlines on all your web pages. Many visitors arrive at a web page then immediately click away—unless something instantly catches their attention.
   2. Emphasize the Human Relationship Prospective customers are more receptive to buying from a real person than from an impersonal company. Look for ways to create a personal relationship  with  your  prospective customers. For example: If you sell face to face, spend some time early in the soiling process getting to know a little about your prospects and letting them get to know you. If you sell online or in some other way where you don’t  talk  with  prospects,  include  some information about you in your presentation. What you say about yourself will have the greatest impact if it highlights why you are uniquely  qualified  to  provide  what  your customer wants.  And there is a tip.  Sell yourself  to  make  prospective  customers comfortable with the selling process. But sell your company and its history of producing results to make prospective customers confident of your ability to deliver what you promise.
   3. Trigger Your Customer’s Imagination Convert the benefits delivered by your product or service into vivid word pictures. Then put your prospect in the picture by dramatizing what it feels like to be enjoying those benefits. Be specific.  If you sell financial products, describe what it feels like to enjoy an affluent living without debt. If you sell boats, describe what it feels like cutting through the waves with your friends onboard. If you promote a business opportunity, describe what it feels like to be at home working without a boss, And I’d like to introduce a tip. Be sure your word pictures  are  dramatizing  benefits  and  not describing features. People don’t really care about the new high-tech insulation used in their beverage cooler (a feature). They just want to be able to enjoy ice cold beverages all day long on a hot day (the benefit). These 3 selling tactics produce sales by responding to normal human behavior. Use them in your web pages, sales letters and personal presentations.  The volume of business they produce will surprise you.



