美国中学生Jeff将要来你所在的红星中学学习中文,经协商安排住在你家。假设你是李华,请给Jeff写一封信,按照下图顺序介绍他来中国后的生活安排。注意:词数应为100左右。 Dear Jeff, I’m Li Hua from Beijing Hon

admin2019-06-04  39

问题     美国中学生Jeff将要来你所在的红星中学学习中文,经协商安排住在你家。假设你是李华,请给Jeff写一封信,按照下图顺序介绍他来中国后的生活安排。注意:词数应为100左右。
Dear Jeff,
    I’m Li Hua from Beijing Hongxing Middle School. I’m very happy to learn that you’re going to stay with my family while you’re in Beijing.
                                                                  Best wishes,
                                                                    Li Hua


答案Dear Jeff, I’m Li Hua from Beijing Hongxing Middle School. I’m very happy to learn that you’re going to stay with my family while you’re in Beijing. While you are here, we’ll provide you with a room of your own with a bed, a desk, a couple of chairs and a TV. You’ll also have your own bathroom. Our school is quite close to our home, so we could go to school together by bike. At noon we’ll eat at the school dining hall. I’m sure you’ll like the delicious Chinese food there, and enjoy talking with friends over lunch. Classes in our school usually finish at 4 in the afternoon. You can then join other students in playing ball games or swimming. It’ll be a lot of fun. If you have any questions or requests, please let me know. We’ll try our best to make your stay here in Beijing a pleasant experience. Best wishes, Li Hua

解析     (1)该作文涉及环境的描写,包括对空间结构的叙述;内容要点包括a.住房b.上学e.就餐d.锻炼。考生应留意图中所表现的人物与环境的关系、空间结构的变化与人物、人物表情,以及图中全部附加文字。这些内容呈现出更丰富、更生活化的特征。
    (2)建议该作文用10个左右的句子写成,作状语用的副词(尤其是时间副词)、副词短语或副词从句提至句首,如:While you are here, we’ll…
                        At noon, we’ll…
                        If you have any questions or requests, please let me…
    ①Our school is quite close to our home, (补述部分) so we could go to school together by bike.
    ②At noon we’ll eat at the school dining hall. (补述部分)I’m sure you’ll like the delicious Chinese food there, and enjoy talking with friends over lunch.
    ③You can then join other students in playing ball games or swimming.(补述部分)It’ll be a lot of fun.
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