A、It was founded by Melinda French Gates in 2000. B、It is the largest private foundation in the world. C、It focuses on reducing

admin2023-04-07  29

    Hello! Ladies and gentlemen. It gives me great pleasure to introduce our speaker today, Melinda French Gates. Melinda French Gates is co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, where she puts into practice the idea that every life has equal value. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, founded in 2000, is the largest private foundation in the world. It works to help all people lead healthy, productive lives. In developing countries, the foundation focuses on improving people’s health with vaccines and other life-saving tools and giving them a chance to lift themselves out of hunger and extreme poverty. In the United States, it seeks to dramatically improve education so that all young people have the opportunity to reach their full potential.
Melinda French Gates:
    Thank you for the introduction. One of my favorite parts of my job at the Gates Foundation is that I get to travel to the developing world, and I do that quite regularly. And when I meet the mothers in so many of these remote places, I’m really struck by the things that we have in common. They want what we want for our children and that is for their children to grow up successful, to be healthy, and to have a successful life. But I also see lots of poverty. My first trip in India, I was in a person’s home where they had dirt floors, no running water, no electricity, and that’s really what I see all over the world. So in short, I’m startled by all the things that they don’t have. But I am surprised by one thing that they do have: Coca-Cola.
    Coke is everywhere. In fact, when I travel to the developing world, Coke seems to be everywhere. When I come back from these trips, I’m thinking, "We’re trying to deliver condoms or vaccinations to people," you know. Coke’s success kind of stops and makes you wonder how is it that they can get Coke to these remote places? I feel that, if we can understand what makes something like Coca-Cola universal, we can apply those lessons then for the public good.
    Ultimately, Coke’s success depends on one crucial fact that people want a Coca-Cola. What’s the secret to their marketing? It has associated that product with a kind of life that people want to live. So even though it’s a global company, they take a very local approach. Coke’s global campaign slogan is "Open Happiness." But they localize it. And they don’t just guess what makes people happy; they go to places like Latin America and they realize that happiness there is associated with family life. And in South Africa, they associate happiness with community respect.
    20. What do we learn about Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation from the introduction?
    21. What did Melinda find in developing countries?
    22. What is happiness associated with in Latin America?

选项 A、It was founded by Melinda French Gates in 2000.
B、It is the largest private foundation in the world.
C、It focuses on reducing extreme poverty in the US.
D、It works for better education in developing countries.


解析 主持人介绍时提到比尔及梅琳达.盖茨基金会是世界上最大的私人基金会(the largest private foundation in the world),B项复现了录音原词,为正确答案。录音虽然提到基金会于2000年成立,但并未说是由梅琳达建立的,A项中的by Melinda French Gates缺乏依据。录音讲到,该基金会在美国试图大力发展教育,使所有年轻人都有机会接受教育、实现自我,而在发展中国家,则主要致力于提供疫苗和其他援助来改善人们的健康状况,帮助他们摆脱饥饿和贫困,因此C项“该基金会致力于减少美国的极端贫困现象”和D项“在发展中国家,该基金会致力于提高教育水平”均属于张冠李戴。
