He works ten hours a day, makes more than US $ 98, 000 a year, doesn’ t bother to take holidays, dresses as he pleases, he’ s ne

admin2016-08-13  31

问题     He works ten hours a day, makes more than US $ 98, 000 a year, doesn’ t bother to take holidays, dresses as he pleases, he’ s never been happier and is looking for another job. This 33-year-old, white, university-educated person is the typical Internet worker, according to a study by the Industry Standard, a San Francisco-based news magazine.
    There is also a reasonable chance that his employer will arrange his dry cleaning, allow him to bring his dog to work, offer him free massages and give him stock options(优先认股权). And he still thinks people in other firms are doing better.
    The typical worker, it appears, not only enjoys an income about three times the national average but also enjoys himself. At present 2. 5 million people are employed by Internet firms in the U. S. The results of the study give plenty of reasons why so many people think the grass is greener in Silicon Valley(硅谷).
    Even after tech stocks sharply went down in April, closing many start-ups, there is still a mood of enthusiasm and special advantage among those still employed. So what makes 52 percent of them "very happy"? "Demanding work" is given as the main reason and "salary" is unsurprisingly close behind. Those questioned in the study also listed working weekends and long holidays as signs of the pleasures of the workplaces.
    Only 13 percent were paid for the extra hours worked while 14 percent put in more than 12 hours work on an average day. "It wasn’ t all about money, " wrote Maryann Thompson in the introduction to the study, "It was fun. What other job could a college graduate walk into at 10 a. m. wearing shorts and sandals, and spend days with his dog at his feet, working on projects that required real brain power—then leave at 9 p. m. with a belly full of free food, a few happy-hour beers and a big fat check?" The average income works out at $104, 000 with the average basic salary at $84, 700.
The whole passage mainly tells us .

选项 A、college graduates are greatly attracted by Internet work
B、Internet workers earn much more than an average worker
C、youths prefer much more freedom in their work
D、employers try many ways to satisfy their Internet workers


解析 主旨大意题。本段主要是讲大学IT专业毕业生做信息技术工作的调查结果,结果发现虽然工作时间很长,但是大学生依旧乐此不疲,即毕业生喜欢信息技术工作。只有A项符合,所以答案为A。
