Using subordination: The conference on nuclear energy was not attended by students from Stanford. We were very disappointed that

admin2017-11-06  38

问题 Using subordination:
The conference on nuclear energy was not attended by students from Stanford. We were very disappointed that the conference on nuclear energy was only attended by teachers from Berkeley.


答案The conference on nuclear energy was attended not by students from Stanford but,much to our disappointment,only by teachers from Berkeley.

解析 译文:斯坦福大学的学生没有参加关于核能源的会议。我们很失望只有伯克利大学的教师们参加了关于核能源的会议。本题要求用关联并列连接词连接两个句子。分析句意可知原句构成转折关系,故用not…but…连接即可,且把句子We were very disappointed…转换为介词短语(副词)+to+one’s+n.形式,即much to our disappointment。
