
admin2019-09-18  57

问题     尊师重教是中国历来的传统。自古以来,中国人民一直重视教育。教育在中国备受尊敬,因此有学之士具有较高的社会地位,受到他人敬仰。对教育的重视决定了老师的地位,很多谚语体现了对老师的尊重,如:“一日为师,终生为父。”长期以来,老师得到了民众和帝王的敬重,清朝许多皇帝在北京的夫子庙(the temple of Confucius)写下了碑文(inscription)感谢孔子。在中国,教师受到的尊敬体现在生活的各个方面。老师常被称为“先生”或“导师”(mentor),9月10日为每年的教师节。


答案 It has been a long-standing tradition to value education and respect teachers in China. From ancient times, education has been paid much attention to by the Chinese people. Education is so highly respected in China that men of knowledge would have a higher social status and be esteemed by other people. Respect for education has determined the status of teachers. There are a lot of sayings that show respect towards teachers, for example, "A teacher for a day is a father for a lifetime". For a long time, teachers gained the esteem of the masses and the emperors. In the temple of Confucius in Beijing, many emperors in the Qing Dynasty had written inscriptions to show their appreciation to Confucius. In China, the honor shown to teachers is displayed in every aspect of social life. The teacher is always called "sir" or "mentor", and Sep. 10th is the annual Teachers’ Day.

解析 1.第1句中的“尊师重教”可翻译为动词不定式,作句子主语。参考译文将不定式后置,用形式主语it来替代真正的主语。避免头重脚轻,更符合英语的表达习惯。
