A、His project proved to be unsuccessful. B、He was unable to get sufficient money. C、Lack of land prevented his success. D、He was

admin2010-02-26  32

M: If you had signaled your intention to turn a little sooner, this wouldn’t have happened!
W: But I signaled in time! Just look at the mess you’ve made of my car! You were driving carelessly and your speed was above the limit! You’re the one who’s to blame!
Q: What are they talking about?
M: How did Mr. Gray’s projects turn out? I heard he had trouble with the financing and he then couldn’t get the land he wanted.
W: It’s true! He did have difficulties but all in all it couldn’t have turned out better.
Q: What did you learn about Mr. Gray?

选项 A、His project proved to be unsuccessful.
B、He was unable to get sufficient money.
C、Lack of land prevented his success.
D、He was successful with his project.


解析 男士说“格雷先生的工程结果如何?我听说他遇到资金问题,然后没能拿到他想要的地。”女士说“你说的很对,他确实遇到过困难,但是总的说来,结果是好得不能再好了。”该题问“关于格雷先生你了解到什么”。理解的关键在于"couldn’t... better“这个结构,意思是“好得不能再好了”,也就是说,他的工程是成功的。故[D]“他的工程是成功的”为正确答案。
