One of the simplest and best known kinds of crystal is the ionic salt (离子盐), of which a typical example is sodium chloride, or o

admin2020-08-17  20

问题     One of the simplest and best known kinds of crystal is the ionic salt (离子盐), of which a typical example is sodium chloride, or ordinary table salt. The fundamental components of an ionic salt are ions: atoms or molecule that have become electrically charged by gaining or losing one or more electrons. In forming sodium chloride, for example, sodium atoms give up an electron (thereby becoming, positively charged) and chlorine atoms gain an electron (thereby becoming, negatively charged). The ions are attracted to one another by their opposite charges, and they stack together compactly, like tightly packed spheres.
    Recently, scientists at Michigan State University created a new kind of crystal called an electride. In electrides, the anions (negative ions) are completely replaced by electrons, which are trapped in naturally formed cavities within a framework of regularly stacked cations (positive ions). Electrides are the first examples of ionic salts in which all these anionic sites are occupied solely by electrons.
    Unlike other types of anions, anionic electrons do not behave as if they were simple charged spheres. In particular, because of their low mass and their tendency to interact with one another over great distances, they cannot be "pinned down" to any one location. Instead, they wander close to and among the atoms lining the cavity and interact with electrons in nearby cavities, perhaps changing places with them.
    The properties of an electride depend largely on the distance between the cavities that hold trapped electrons. When the trapped electrons are far apart, they do not interact strongly, and so behave somewhat like an array of isolated negative charges. When they are closer together, they begin to display properties associated with large ensembles of identical panicles. When they are still closer, the ensemble properties dominate and the electrons "delocalize": they are no longer lightly bound within individual cavities but are more or less free to pass through the spaces within the frame-work of positive ions.
    By synthesizing electrides from a variety of materials, one can vary the geometry of the anionic cavities and their relation to the surrounding cations. The resulting properties may make it possible for electrides to become a basis for economically useful new materials and devices. For instance, because the electrons in some electrides are very weakly bound, these crystals could be effective as photosensitive detectors, in which an impinging photon liberates an electron, resulting in a small electric current. The same weak binding could also make electrides useful in solar-energy converters and as cathodes in batteries. One obstacle is the tendency of electrides to decompose through reaction with air and water. Researchers are seeking ways to increase their stability.
According to the passage, the defining characteristic of an electride is which of the following?

选项 A、Its positive ions are of particularly low mass.
B、Its ions possess identical electrical charges.
C、Its ions demonstrate strong mutual attraction.
D、Its negative ions consist solely of electrons.


解析 事实细节题。第三段第二句提到their low mass,这里的their指的是阴离子电子 (anionic electrons),即阴离子质量小,而不是阳离子质量小, A项表述与原文不符,故排除;B项“电子化合物的离子拥有相同的电荷”文中未提及,故排除;第四段前两句提出,electride的性质主要取决于被捕获的电子之间的距离,距离较远的时候,电子间的相互作用很小,并不是任何时候电子间都具有很强的吸引力,C项表述不正确,故排除;文中第二段第二句话提到,electride的阴离子完全被电子取代;本段最后一句也提到electride是第一种阴离子空间全被电子占据的离子盐。D项表述正确,故为答案。
