首届中国国际进口博览会是推动包容普惠发展的范例。3 600多家企业参展,172个国家、地区和国际组织参会。中方为每个参会的最不发达国家免费提供2个标准展位,对它们运送展品参展实行费用减免。当发达国家展示各种“高精尖”的技术和产品成果时,发展中国家和最不发达

admin2020-08-19  88

问题     首届中国国际进口博览会是推动包容普惠发展的范例。3 600多家企业参展,172个国家、地区和国际组织参会。中方为每个参会的最不发达国家免费提供2个标准展位,对它们运送展品参展实行费用减免。当发达国家展示各种“高精尖”的技术和产品成果时,发展中国家和最不发达国家也带来了它们独具特色的优势产品,包括食品、农产品、服装、日用消费品,以及丰富的旅游资源和历史人文,与发达国家同台竞艳。“一花独放不是春,百花齐放春满园”是这届进博会的最好写照。在这里,人们深刻地感受到,追求幸福生活是各国人民的共同心愿,发展的路上,一个也不能少。
    当前,逆全球化和贸易保护主义有所抬头,位于产业链中低端的发展中国家和最不发达国家最易受到冲击。要落实联合国2030年可持续发展议程(the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development),应对人类共同面临的风险和挑战,光靠中国一家的努力是不够的,需要全球各国超越差异和分歧,发挥各自优势,推动包容发展。正如习近平主席在进博会主旨演讲中所指出的,“在经济全球化深人发展的今天,弱肉强食、赢者通吃是一条越走越窄的死胡同,包容普惠、互利共赢才是越走越宽的人间正道。”从这个意义上说,本届进博会,也为通往“人间正道”开启了一扇新的大门!


答案 The first China International Import Expo (CUE) is a good example of inclusive development. More than 3,600 companies were involved in the exhibition, encompassing 172 countries, regions and international organizations. China offered two free stalls to each of the least-developed countries that were attending, giving them exemptions from shipping charges. Just as developed countries had the opportunity to showcase their advanced technologies and products at the expo, developing and least-developed countries were also there to promote their competitive products, which represent the unique characteristics of their local economies, including goods such as food, agricultural products, clothing, and other products used in daily life. They also had the opportunity to share with the attendees their spectacular tourism opportunities as well as historical and cultural resources. President Xi’s words "A single flower does not make spring; one hundred flowers in full bloom is what brings spring to the garden" can best portray this expo. Here, people profoundly realized that the pursuit of happiness is a shared goal of all the world’s people, and that no one should be left behind on the path of development. Currently, anti-globalization forces and trade protectionism are on the rise. Developing and least-developed countries that lie on the middle and lower end of the industrial chain are most prone to risks and challenges. In order to carry out the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and to face the difficulties and challenges that all people share, China’s efforts alone will not be enough. All countries need to look beyond their differences and disagreements, and make full use of their advantages to champion inclusive development. As President Xi Jinping pointed out during his keynote speech at the opening ceremony of this import expo, "In a world of deepening economic globalization, practices of the law of the jungle and winner-takes-all only represent a dead end. Inclusive growth for all is surely the right way forward. " And the China International Import Expo was more certainly a new door to the right way forward.

解析     常规的展位即一个“标准展位”,故“2个标准展位”即two stalls。原文中“减免”为名词,可用动词词组“exempt…from(免除……)”的名词形式exemptions from来表达。“运送展品参展的费用”可以理解为“运输费用,运费”,译为shipping charges。
    “一花独放不是春,百花齐放春满园”意思是“只有一支花朵开放,不能算是春天,只有百花齐放的时候,满园都是春天的景色”,典出《古今贤文》。因为这句话翻译为英文较长,翻译时为使句子整体结构更清晰,可将引用内容处理为同位语,同时添加President Xi’s words做主语。“写照”在原句中为名词,意思是“对事物的描写刻画”,翻译时巧妙转换词性,使用动词portray,简洁地道。
    “正如……所指出的”对应英文中“As…pointed out…”。主句部分包含两点重要信息:一方面指出“弱肉强食、赢者通吃是一条越走越窄的死胡同”,否定错误的道路;另一方面指出“包容惠普、互利共赢才是越走越宽的人间正道”,肯定应遵循的正确道路。结合举办进博会的意义和文章末句的感叹,第二点尤其应该加以强调,若是将其处理为并列结构便无法起到强调作用,而且整句话内容较多,加重了读者的阅读负担,因此翻译时将这句话拆分。将第二方面,即介绍正确道路的部分处理为独立的一句话,避免句子冗长。同时突出了重点。
