Whether you’re the owner of the Dallas Cowboys or captain of the playground dodge ball team, the goal in picking players is the

admin2019-08-08  21

问题    Whether you’re the owner of the Dallas Cowboys or captain of the playground dodge ball team, the goal in picking players is the same: Get the top talent. Hearts have been broken, allegiances tested, and budgets over spent as teams contend for the best athletes. 【F1】The motivation for recruiting peak performers is obvious—exceptional players are the key to team success—and this belief is shared not only by coaches and sports fans, but also by corporations, investors, and even whole industries. Everyone wants a team of stars.
   While there is no denying that exceptional players can put points on the board and enhance team success, new research by Roderick Swaab and colleagues suggests there is a limit to the benefit top talents bring to a team. Swaab and colleagues compared the amount of individual talent on teams with the teams’ success, and they find striking examples of more talent hurting the team.
   For both basketball and soccer, they found that top talent did in fact predict team success, but only up to a point. 【F2】Furthermore, there was not simply a point of diminishing returns with respect to top talent; there was in fact a cost. Basketball and soccer teams with the greatest proportion of elite athletes performed worse than those with more moderate proportions of top level players.
   Why is too much talent a bad thing? Think teamwork. 【F3】In many activities, success requires collaborative, cooperative work towards a goal that is beyond the capability of any one individual. Even Em-mitt Smith needed effective blocking from the Cowboy offensive line to gain yardage. When a team roster is flooded with individual talent, pursuit of personal star status may prevent the attainment of team goals. 【F4】The basketball player chasing a point record, for example, may cost the team by taking risky shots instead of passing to a teammate who is open and ready to score.
   The lessons here extend beyond the ball field to any group or activity that must balance competitive and collaborative efforts, including corporate teams, financial research groups, and brainstorming exercises. 【F5】So before breaking the bank to recruit superstars, team owners and industry experts might want to consider whether the goal they are trying to achieve relies on individual talent alone, or concerted efforts from the team. If the latter, it would be wise to reign in the talent and focus on teamwork.



解析 ①本句为主从复合句。②句首的时间状语从句为避免重复,省略了主语team owners and industry experts。break the bank意为“倾家荡产”。③宾语从句使用了whether…or…结构。此从句当中又包含了一个定语从句the goal they are trying to achieve,当中省略引导词which,修饰先行词the goal,说明球队经营者和行业专家想要达到的目标。or连接两个并列宾语individual talent和concerted effort。
