Imagine walking through someone’s apartment. The rooms are almost empty, and the only pieces of furniture are a simple table and

admin2022-11-17  26

问题     Imagine walking through someone’s apartment. The rooms are almost empty, and the only pieces of furniture are a simple table and a folded sofa. There are no decorative objects lying around—just the essentials. You open the closet to find you can count the number of clothing items inside on one hand. The space seems more like a prison cell than a home, and you may think the resident cannot afford to buy more things to fill the apartment with.
    It turns out that the apartment’s owner is a minimalist (简约主义者) who chooses to limit his number of belongings. Minimalism goes against consumer society by dramatically reducing possessions. Minimalists follow this philosophy to varying degrees, but they generally claim that cutting back on excess stuff leads to a more fulfilling life.
    With fewer possessions, they do not have to spend as much time cleaning, thinking about what they are missing, or trying to keep up with the latest trends. Minimalists say this frees up their time for things that they find meaningful, such as exercising, traveling, and being with loved ones.
    Extreme minimalism is not for everyone, but a mild form of it has grown in popularity recently, thanks to Marie Kondo’s best-selling book, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up. Kondo has become distinguished for her tidying skills, which she developed naturally. One of her main beliefs is that one should only own things that one truly loves.
    It can be unpleasant to part with belongings, but Kondo’s methods have helped millions to remove useless things. Her technique for making space is to go through things by category, starting with clothing, then books, papers, tiny objects, and finally, memorable items. She instructs her followers to touch each object they own and keep only those that spark joy, promising that this will lead to domestic happiness.
    Kondo stresses that it is not about throwing things away, but abouf’finding the things you want to remain with you" and striking a balance between personal joy and possessions. Even if you are not ready to become a minimalist, you may want to consider reducing the number of things you own, for it seems that letting go of things can truly make room for happiness.
What does minimalism go against?

选项 A、Reducing possessions.
B、Living a more fulfilling life.
C、Limiting the number of belongings.
D、Buying more things than necessary.


解析 本题的题干中保留的是:简约主义者反对…,所以翻译时要在每个选项前加上。
A Reducing possessions. 简约主义者反对减少财产。与原文不符。
B Living a more fulfilling life. 简约主义者反对过更加充实的生活。与原文不符。
C Limiting the number of belongings. 简约主义者反对限制财产的数量。与原文不符。
D Buying more things than necessary. 简约主义者反对购买超过必需品以外的东西。根据分析可知本题选D。
本试题收录于: 英语题库普高专升本分类
