The cradle of Chinese civilization and the Chinese race, the Yellow River is called the Mother River. The Yellow River is 5,464

admin2020-12-02  20

问题     The cradle of Chinese civilization and the Chinese race, the Yellow River is called the Mother River. The Yellow River is 5,464 km in length and is the second largest River in China. The average volume of the flow of the Yellow River, 48 billion cubic meters each year, is not more than one-twentieth of the Yangtze’s. The Yellow River gains its major color that is the color of sand, because the river is the highest sand-capacity one in the world. However, the Yellow River is known as China’s sorrow because it has caused countless deaths through its devastating floods. The powerful floods have often changed the course of the river.


答案 黄河 黄河是中华文明中华民族摇篮,所以又被称作“母亲河”。黄河长达5464公里,是中国第二大河。黄河的平均流量为每年48亿立方米,还不到长江的1/20。黄河的得名是因河中沙子的颜色,黄河是世界上含沙量最高的河流。然而,黄河也是中国的伤心事,因为其灾难性的洪水造成无数人死亡。强大的洪水经常改变河道

