A、They have become popular. B、They released her pressure. C、They made her feel comfortable. D、They mirrored her feelings. D本题问女士

admin2023-01-28  38

M: Hello, and welcome to today’s program. I’m Kevin.
W: And I’m Amy.
M: Today we are going to talk about sad music and biology. So, Amy, do you like sad music?
W: Well, when I was younger and if I had a break-up with a boyfriend fill would listen to sad songs, songs which reflected my mood.
M: And do you still listen to those songs now?
W: Not so much, but I do still like them. Some recent data also shows that sad music has become increasingly popular. But why do people choose to listen to it?
M: Well, it seems as if there might be a biological reason why some of us do like sad songs. Professor David Huron from Ohio State University has conducted research in this area. He was looking at why some people like sad music and other people can’t stand it. He believes it’s to do with a hormone, one of the body’s natural chemicals.
W: So which hormone did he mention?
M: He talked about the hormone called prolactin. What he noted was that this hormone can be released when people cry and in some cases this hormone has a comforting effect.
W: Comforting effect? So, when we cry, this hormone can make us feel better and calms our emotions.
M: Yes. And the hormone is connected with lactation, which is the production of milk by mammals.
W: Very interesting! But, why do some people choose to listen to sad music and other people really don’t like it?
M: Well. Perhaps people who are enjoying listening to sad music are receiving some sort of excess of prolactin. And for people who just find sad music incredibly sad and unhelpful and don’t want to listen to it, maybe they’re not getting enough prolactin when they listen to the music.
W: Well, this seems quite simple, Although I’m sure it’s very complicated to explain this individual difference. Did Professor David give a reason in his research?
M: No, I guess more researches need to be done.
W: I guess so, but you know emotions are funny things—it’s weird to think that our feelings are caused by different natural chemicals that run around the body. Absolutely!
M: So next time you have a quarrel with someone or feel stressful in the workplace, you could dig out a sad song to make you feel better.
W: Well, that might work.
M: OK. That’s the end of today’s program. We hope you’ll join us again soon.
1. Why did the woman choose sad songs after a break-up?
2. What can we know about Professor David’s research?
3. According to the man, why do people like listening to sad music?
4. What does the woman think of the man’s assumption?
5. What is the programme mainly about?

选项 A、They have become popular.
B、They released her pressure.
C、They made her feel comfortable.
D、They mirrored her feelings.


解析 本题问女士为什么在分手后选择听悲伤的歌。对话开始,男士问女士是否喜欢听悲伤的音乐,女士表示年轻时喜欢,因为能反映她的情绪。因此选D项“它们反映女士的情绪。”D项的mirrored、feelings是录音中reflected和mood的同义词。女士说到最近悲伤的音乐流行起来,但这不是女士喜欢的原因,故排除A项。B项利用录音个别字词设置干扰。男士提到prolactin荷尔蒙能使人感觉慰藉(has a comforting effect),并不是 “悲伤音乐使她感到舒服”,故排除C项。
