Write an essay of no less than 200 words on the topic given below. Use the space provided on your Answer Sheet II. TOPIC "

admin2019-06-10  58

问题 Write an essay of no less than 200 words on the topic given below. Use the space provided on your Answer Sheet II.
   "Our mind has strong influence on our body." Do you agree or disagree? Please provide supporting details for your standpoint.


答案 I agree that our mind has a strong influence on our body. The relationship between mind and body is a meaningful topic hotly debated in humankind history. Historically, people had used magic and witchcraft to treat their bodies’ illnesses, and the witchcraft’s success may have been achieved through people’s willingness to cooperate. Additionally, the role of religion in curing people’s diseases is frequently heard in the history of Christianity. For instance, Jesus has cured a woman’s disease instantly by just allowing her to touch his robe. Although these instances seem inexplicable, it reflects a phenomenon at least that individuals have long been aware that our mind has a strong influence on our body. Firstly, our spirit can control our body, which is shown in our daily life experience. When some people are caught in a desperate situation, if they have a strong belief to survive, their bodies’ potential will usually be stimulated so that they can survive in an extremely unfavorable situation. The following case is not rare when some patients with terminal diseases determine to fight against fate, and take a positive attitude towards the therapeutic treatment and finally recover. Therefore, a strong belief could influence a person’s body and even alter their fate. Moreover, a positive feeling and attitude could also bring benefits to our body. People who think their lives are meaningful are more satisfied with their life and have a healthier body. A person with a healthy mindset usually will keep a sound body. In contrast, some healthy people easily get sick after they suffer from some over-loaded pressure. Their pressure causes them to get immersed in such negative feelings as anxiety, melancholy and anger, which finally weakens their immune system. On the other hand, our body will act upon our psychology to a certain degree. As an example, individuals will easily have a gloomy emotion if their body is extremely tired. And scientists have proved in a laboratory that body exercises can make our mind be more active, and enjoy a higher efficiency. However, in most cases, our mind still has a strong influence on our body.

解析    此题的关键是如何来理解这句话。可以从许多角度来理解,比如人可以用意念来控制自身,我们的精神能够影响身体的状态。这种例子并不罕见,例如一些医生已经宣判死刑的绝症病人具备顽强的意志力,通过积极的心理暗示作用,配合寻找其他治疗方法,最终战胜了死神。可见心态可以给人的身体带来很大的影响。此外,积极的情感也会影响我们自己的身体,比如心态乐观、心理健康的人,一般来说身体也更容易保持健康。而一些本来健康的人,在外界压力过大而不知如何排解的情况下,则往往容易罹患疾病。另一方面,因为身与心互相影响,身体状况也会对我们的心理产生一定的影响,比如身体劳累的时候,人的情绪更容易低落;常年生病的人更容易对人生产生悲观失望的心理。当然,在写作的时候也可以不同意这句话,论证精神与心灵并不能控制身体,身心是一种二元对立的关系,感官和欲望等非理性因素的力量也不容忽视。
