The greatest legacy of the baby boom generation’s early adulthood has been that it asked all the right questions but resolved no

admin2012-12-30  38

问题   The greatest legacy of the baby boom generation’s early adulthood has been that it asked all the right questions but resolved nothing. Raised by parents whose sacrifices during the Great Depression and World WarⅡ purchased for us the luxury of being able to question, we all understood the standards from which some of us were choosing to deviate.
  But riven by disagreement, we have encouraged our children to believe that there are no touchstones, no true answers, no commitments worthy of sacrifice. That there are no firm principles. That for every person to fight there is a reason to run. That for every yin there is a yang.
  How will our children react to this philosophical quagmire? My bet is that they will surprise us with their stability, that they will perhaps be slower to make commitments, but more serious when they do.
  Someone who has bounced between two parents will not marry with the thought that "we can always get a divorce if it doesn’t work." Someone who has viewed the nightmarish results of political policies and recreational activities that were rather innocently begun will be more careful to consider the implications of new seductions at the outset. In the end, just as my tiny daughter eased my personal turmoil years ago, she and her contemporaries may become the arbiters of the generation that spawned them.


答案我们的父母在经济大萧条时期和二战时期做出了牺牲,才换来了我们得以提出问题的奢侈权利。在他们的养育下,我们都明白他们的道德标准,但我们当中有些人决意背离这些标准。 然而尽管意见有分歧,我们都一直鼓励我们的子女相信,世界上没有检验事物的标准,没有真正的答案:没有值得为之献身的承诺,也没有一成不变的原则。每一项事业有人支持就会有人反对。有斗争的理由,就有逃跑的理由。有阴就有阳。 我们的子女面对这一哲学困境会作出什么样的反应呢?我敢说他们会很沉稳,会让我们吃惊的。他们大概不会急于作出承诺,可是一旦承诺了就会更加严肃地对待。 一个频频来往于离异父母之间的人,绝不会带着“过不下去总可以离婚”的想法去结婚。一个目睹合法的政治决策和娱乐活动却落得噩梦般结局的人,面对新的诱惑,就会从一开始便更加小心谨慎地考虑后果。

