在我自己,本以为现在是已经并非一个切迫而不能已于言的人了,但或者也还未能忘怀于当日自己的寂寞的悲哀罢,所以有时候仍不免呐喊几声,聊以慰藉那在寂寞里奔驰的猛士,使他不惮于前驱。 至于我的喊声是勇猛或是悲哀,是可憎或是可笑,那倒是不暇顾及的;但既然是呐

admin2020-08-19  39

问题     在我自己,本以为现在是已经并非一个切迫而不能已于言的人了,但或者也还未能忘怀于当日自己的寂寞的悲哀罢,所以有时候仍不免呐喊几声,聊以慰藉那在寂寞里奔驰的猛士,使他不惮于前驱。


答案 As for myself, I no longer feel any great: urge to express myself; yet, perhaps because I have not entirely forgotten the grief of my past loneliness. I sometimes call out, to encourage those fighters who are galloping on in loneliness, so that they do not lose heart. Whether my cry is brave or sad, repellent or ridiculous, I do not care. However, since it is a call to arms, I must naturally obey my general’s orders. This is why I often resort to innuendoes, as when I made a wreath appear from nowhere at the son’s grave in Medicine, while in Tomorrow I did not say that Fourth Shan’s Wife had no dreams of her little boy. For our chiefs then were against pessimism. And I, for my part, did not want to infect the loneliness I had found so bitter with those young people who were still dreaming pleasant dreams, just as I had done when young. It is clear, then, that my short stories fall far short of being works of art; hence I count myself fortunate that they are still known as stories, and are even being compiled in one book. Although such good fortune makes me uneasy, I am nevertheless pleased to think they have readers in the world of men, for the time being at least.

解析     “切迫”在这里等同于“谴切、急迫”,“已于言”中的“已”即“停止”,“迫切而不能已于言”的含义是“急切到不能控制自己的言论,迫切地想要表达自我”,因此翻译时使用feel the urge to do表示。“奔驰”在这里使用了动词gallop on,以表现猛士奔驰不休、勇往直前的形象。
    “不暇顾及”即“顾不上”,此处含有一种“不在意”的意味,故可译为do not care。鲁迅先生的“呐喊”是一种对“抗争、战斗”的呼唤,所以翻译为call to arms,同时也与后边的“将令”(general’s orders)呼应。“曲笔”本为历史编纂术语,指史官不据事实直书,故意掩盖真相,现在多指写文章时故意离开本题,而不直书其事的笔法。原文中的“曲笔”指由于当时的环境所迫,作者在写作时涉及悲剧情节时须得使用委婉表达,因此用resort to来表示其中所含的无奈心情。
