Two new gesture-sensing innovations designed for large electronic screens in public places herald(预告)a future in which everythin

admin2015-11-16  35

问题     Two new gesture-sensing innovations designed for large electronic screens in public places herald(预告)a future in which everything from street art to advertisements track your movements, are fully interactive, and almost impossible to ignore.
    Giant flat-screen displays powered by organic LEDs(OLEDs)are plunging in price, so screens tens of meters long could soon line urban corridors. Rather than have them simply fire messages at a tuned-out public, researchers at the Technical University of Berlin(TUB)in Germany have built two applications that they hope will attract passers-by and inspire a new wave of interactive displays.
    "We believe that in the future all surfaces in urban areas could be interactive displays," says team member Robert Walter. " This presents great opportunities and challenges as it will need to be attractive and work in an intelligent way. " The researchers will reveal their first two street-smart applications—StrikeAPose and Screenfinity—next month in Paris, France. They believe that while advertising could provide the impetus(推动)for the adoption of the technology, non-commercial apps will also appear—courtesy of artists or poets, perhaps.
    StrikeAPose, developed by Walter’s team, lets a person in the street perform a unique gesture to take control of anything from a bus-shelter advertisement screen to a large, Times-Square-style video wall. Once you are registered as the screen controller, software fed by the depth cameras used in Microsoft’s Kinect system lets you control, say, a gesture-driven game. In trials in a university cafeteria, the team settled on a registration gesture they call The Teapot; users put their hands on both hips, their arms describing the profile of two teapot handles. This was the most robust gesture, even when obfuscated(使模糊)by thick clothing.
    Screenfinity, led by Jorg Muller, generates content for large, long screens that follows the viewer as they walk along beside it. The system monitors passers-by with 10 Kinect cameras placed along the length of a screen. As a person approaches, text or pictures pop up and slide along in sync(同步)with their walking. If someone moves further away, the text gets bigger; closer, and it gets smaller, so it is equally legible all the time. In a recent trial on the TUB campus, cafe menus were displayed in a bustling square. Not only were people able to read the menus at varying distances and without breaking stride, the display proved so attention-grabbing that it had users looking behind the screen to see if a person was tracking them.
    Simon Parnall of News Digital Systems in Staines, UK, is developing floor-to-ceiling TV screens. StrikeAPose is user-friendly, he notes, since people only need simple gestures to interact with it. But he wonders how many people will want to " perform a potentially embarrassing gesture in a public space in order to interact". He foresees organizations like the London Underground making strong use of Screenfinity, however, as it will allow ads to move down the escalators, tethered(用绳子拴住)to specific commuters.
By citing the example of the gesture The Teapot, the author wants to______.

选项 A、show that a person can control the device by performing a unique gesture
B、test the two new gesture-sensing innovations
C、show that the gesture is very effective
D、show that people are capable of making various unique gestures


解析 由题干关键词The Teapot定位到第四段。该段第一句提到“它可以使街头上的任何人通过一个独特的手势控制从公交站广告牌到时代广场视频墙大小的各种类型的平面显示屏”。作者在该段的后半部分以The Teapot为例来说明前文的内容,因此A)“为了说明一个人通过独特的手势可以控制设备”与文意相符,为正确答案。
