下面是两位教师的英语课堂教学实录: 材料一 T: Tum to page 21, and tell me your answer to question 1 "Can the driver see the bus in the pictur

admin2022-10-28  67

问题     下面是两位教师的英语课堂教学实录:
    T: Tum to page 21, and tell me your answer to question 1 "Can the driver see the bus in the picture?"
    S1: Yes, he can.
    T: Yes, he can? Do you really think so? In the first paragraph, there is a sentence "On one side the mountain raises steeply; on the other side there is a sheer drop. It’s a bend" . What does it mean?
    S1: No, he can’t, as there is a bend on the road.
    T: Quite right.
    T: Why is the marathon the last Olympic event?
    S2: I don’t know.
    T: Did you listen to me carefully?
    S2: …
    T: You can sit down.


答案 (1)材料一中,在学生回答错误后,教师采用间接纠错的方法,用反问的语气重复错误答案,并加以解释和引导,使学生自己认识到错误。直至学生给出正确答案后,教师给予积极肯定的评价反馈。这种方法不仅顾及学生的自尊心,而且引导了学生进行积极思考,能更有效地纠错。 材料二中,当学生没有回答出教师的问题时,教师直接责怪学生没有}人真听讲,这种消极的反馈方式会使学生感到羞愧和焦虑,影响学生对该问题的思考,以致最后互动终止。在提出问题后,教师没有给予学生充分的思考时间,并且采用了消极的评价方式,容易打击学生的积极性和自信心。 (2)材料一中教师通过间接纠错的方法提示学生答案错误并且提供了有帮助的信息,帮助学生梳理思路、重新回答问题,发挥了教师评价者和提示者的角色。教师的其他角色还包括指导者、控制者、组织者、参与者、资源提供者、研究者、促进者等。 (3)该教师可逐步引导学生得出正确答案,如: T: Why is the marathon the last Olympic event? S2: I don’t know. T: Let’s look at the question together. When it comes to marathon, what does it remind you of? Ss: The athletes are sweating and they need to drink water during the race. T: Yes! You’re right. And I guess you must know what marathon is. Ss: It’s a long-distance race. T: Great, it’s a long-distance race. So to finish this event, athletes will consume much energy, and what? Ss: And time. T: Exactly. So it’s the hardest event. Therefore, it’s often the last event of the Olympic Games.

