Violence in films has been a hot topic ever since the silent era, but it’s never going to go away. Some sections of the audience

admin2020-01-15  28

问题     Violence in films has been a hot topic ever since the silent era, but it’s never going to go away. Some sections of the audience love a bit of vicarious blood and gore. But there’s little doubt that excessive violent films don’t come without bad consequences. This question has been debated for decades. The following are opinions from different sides. Read the excerpts carefully and write your response in about 300 words, in which you should:
    1. summarize briefly the opinions from different sides;
    2. give your comment.
    Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.
    Stephannoi (the UK): Violent movies should be banned because you can compare violent scenes in the movie to real life. The more you see violent scenes, the more you get aggressive. And violent movies don’t make people productive or smart.
    Onceaknight (Canada): Humans are affected by their surroundings. It’s time to accept that we take influence from what we see and feel. A non-violent person can turn into a violent one with enough exposure to violent media. Simply saying that "they have a choice" doesn’t solve the problem. Not all people are philosophers to tell the right from the wrong accurately, and if we allow them to become violent, other people will be put at harm.
    Bandito (the US): Violent television shows should be banned because younger children are likely to be influenced and when they grow up they might think it is right to do something wrong because someone on a television show did it. Also sometimes in violent films there are a lot of gruesome sights which normal kids would think is disgusting.
    Xuedong (China): Violent films may need regulations regarding who should be allowed to watch them, and I do not feel that they should be banned. People always have a choice when it comes to what they decide to watch, and what they want their children to watch. The television can be turned off if I feel something is too violent for my children.
Violent movie lovers
    Raton (Italy): If we ban violent movies, then what will happen for the people who love violent movies? Imagining that many people would stop watching movies, there will be a great fall in the entertainment industry. Recent studies show that 70% of the people like to watch violent movies.
    Gooddog ( Singapore) : Banning violent movies will lead to mass unemployment. Many stuntmen, junior artists, etc., will be unemployed and they will only have some petty leftover jobs which do not pay well. Many will fall to poverty. And the lack of teens and adults who like to watch these films will bring the entertainment industry to a downfall due to the bad economic conditions. Hence, violent movies should not be banned.
    Waitonesec (the US): Violent films should not be banned. There should, however, be regulations in more detail to the audience before they watch the movie. For instance, the violent movie need to clearly show the audience what some of those violent scenes are, so as to persuade people to watch the movie or not.
    PPsally (the UK): People should have the right to watch whatever they want. Horror slashers are so funny that they get us into the spirit of Halloween. Action and shooting movies are exiting and thrilling which keep life more interesting. I love those movies, so do others. Thus, they should not be banned.
    Write your response on ANSWER SHEET FOUR.


答案 Should We Ban Violent Films? With the help of special effect technology in the media industry, violent elements in movies are more and more thrilling and exciting for the audience. Does the violence in films contribute to the violence in society? This question has been debated for decades. People’s opinions vary greatly considering their different standpoints. Psychotherapists seem to have sound reasons to suggest that there is an apparent cause-and-effect relation between the excessive exposure to violent media and the aggressiveness in one’s real life. Besides, some parents support the idea of banning violent movies by claiming that children may imitate the violent behavior in the scenarios, though others think that the negative influence has been too much exaggerated. The viewpoint of the latter group is surely in concert with that of those violent movie lovers, who declare that banning violent movies will lead to a great fall of entertainment industry and massive unemployment. Considering all the arguments, I don’t think we should simply and hastily eliminate and ban all the violent films. On the one hand, violence has always been with us and probably always will be Over the last 18 years, it is said that 32, 000 murders and 40,000 attempted murders have been witnessed by normal TV viewers. Eliminating all of them is not in keeping with the reality of human condition. On the other hand, the cause-and-effect relation between media violence and real life violence is not as readily apparent. Only a small percentage of those who see the violent films are responsible for violent actions. And I believe there are many other reasons accounting for the crimes committed by a violent criminal, such as extreme anger, easy access to guns, indifferent and amoral attitude towards others’ lives, etc. We should not lay all the blames on the violence in entertainment industry. Therefore, I suggest that we set up violence rating system on media as we do on sexual contents in movies, so that people will know which level of violence they are accessing to. In Canada, a device called "V-chip" allows parents to lock out TV programming when they consider objectionable to their children. That’s a good policy for parents.

解析 本题讨论暴力电影是否应该被禁止,属于社会生活类话题。本题要求简要概括所给材料中的各方观点,并发表自己的评论。在具体的写作过程中,考生可以开篇点明这种社会现象,并提出论点:暴力电影是否导致有害影响;第二段简要阐述来自心理治疗师、父母和暴力电影爱好者三方的观点;第三段论述自己对这一现象的看法,并阐明理由;最后一段总结全文,重申论点。
