A、In an office. B、In a restaurant. C、In a department store. D、In a factory. D男士问:“谁将糖果装入盒子里?”,女士话中的“自动计数”,“机器”以及“我马上带你去看”,表明对话发生

admin2015-06-07  29

W:Thank heavens! You’re back safe and sound. Everyone was worried on hearing about the air crash. And I had so many sleepless nights!
M:Yes, I know your feeling, dear!Even I myself don’t know how I escaped it. I was the only lucky guy.
Q:What do we learn from the conversation?
M:Well, I just wonder who puts the candies into the boxes?
W:It is done by a machine, which is able to count the candies automatically. Please, this way. I’ll show you right away.
Q:Where does this conversation probably take place?

选项 A、In an office.
B、In a restaurant.
C、In a department store.
D、In a factory.


解析 男士问:“谁将糖果装入盒子里?”,女士话中的“自动计数”,“机器”以及“我马上带你去看”,表明对话发生在工厂里。
