A、They were held up in a traffic jam. B、They were late for the first morning bus. C、They boarded a wrong coach in a hurry. D、The

admin2022-08-27  49

Last summer, my wife and I had saved for a year to be able to take a romantic cruise to several Caribbean islands. Because the train was scheduled to arrive in Miami, Florida several hours before the sailing, we didn’t think we’d have any reason to worry about getting to the dock on time. We should’ve known that long distance trains are often many hours late. We should’ve taken an earlier one to allow extra time. We should have, but we didn’t and we missed the boat. Because there wouldn’t be a refund of our cruise fare if we returned home, we had to pay for a hotel room and meals in the city and an air fare to fly to the first island on the shipped route two days later. We missed half the cruise.
    This year, we decided to let an experienced travel agent do our vacation planning for us. We had to pay the full price in advance for an escorted tour. We should be joining that relaxing well-planned trip right now. How could we have known there would be a strike against our airline? And why hadn’t anyone advised us that the travel agency can’t refund your money unless the tour operator can get the passengers’ fees back from the reserved hotels, the tour boat’s company and so on?
    To avoid trouble like this, we ought to get more travel experience. But to tell you the truth, we don’t want to go anywhere. We’re planning to spend our vacations at home for a long time to come.
    13. Why did the couple fail to get to the cruise in time?
    14. What does the speaker say about their trip this year?
    15. What will the speaker do in the future for a vacation?

选项 A、They were held up in a traffic jam.
B、They were late for the first morning bus.
C、They boarded a wrong coach in a hurry.
D、They were delayed by the train for hours.


解析 文章提到这对夫妻本应该知道长途火车通常会晚点几个小时,应该乘坐一趟时间更早的火车,但是他们却没有这样做,所以错过了游轮,可以得出D项为正确答案。其他三项均与原文内容不符,故排除。
