A、A person named lord Sandwich. B、A gourmet. C、The friends of Lord Sandwich. D、A scientist. C细节题。文中提到从前有个叫Lord Sandwich的人,常常喜欢坐在

admin2019-04-23  25

About three hundred words in the English language come from the names of people. Many of these words are technical words. When there is a new invention or discovery, a new word may be coined after the inventor or scientist.
    It is interesting to observe how many common English words have found their way into the language from :he names of people.[16]Lord Sandwich who lived from 1718 to 1792 used to sit at the gambling table eating slices of bread in that way, so his friends began to call the bread "sandwich" for fun. Later on the word became part of the English language.
    The word "boycott" means to refuse to have anything to do with somebody or something. It comes from[17]a man called Captain Boycott. He was a land agent in 1880 and he collected rents and taxes for an English landowner in Ireland. But the captain was a very harsh man. He treated his poor tenants very badly.[18]His tenants decided not to speak to him at all. Eventually word got back to the landowner and the Captain was removed. The word "boycott" became popular and was used by everyone to mean the kind of treatment that was received by Captain Boycott.
16. Who coined the word "sandwich" according to the passage?
17. According to the passage, who was Captain Boycott?
18. What did the landowner do when he found out that the tenants did not speak to Captain Boycott?

选项 A、A person named lord Sandwich.
B、A gourmet.
C、The friends of Lord Sandwich.
D、A scientist.


解析 细节题。文中提到从前有个叫Lord Sandwich的人,常常喜欢坐在gamblingtable(赌桌)旁吃slices of bread(一片片的面包),因此他的friends就开玩笑地管这种面包叫sandwich,后来这个词便成为英语中的一个单词,由此可知,是Lord Sandwich的朋友们创造了sandwich这个词,故答案为C)。
