A、Doing well. B、Losing money. C、Discouraging. D、Lacking clients. A信息明示题。对话中,女士询问男士新业务开展的怎么样,男士回答说进展得很好。由此可知,男士的新业务进展情况为A“进展得很好”。

admin2023-02-07  42

W: Hi, Jack. How are you doing with your new business?
M: Hi, Jane. It’s going well. I signed up two new clients last week, and now I have five.
W: Wow, five already. That’s great. How do you like being self-employed?
M: Oh, it’s wonderful. I can be my own boss.
W: That’s amazing.
M: What would you like to do after graduation?
W: I’ll go abroad to further my education.
M: That’s great.
15. How is the man’s new business?
16. What does the man feel about being self-employed?
17. What does the woman plan to do after graduation?

选项 A、Doing well.
B、Losing money.
D、Lacking clients.


解析 信息明示题。对话中,女士询问男士新业务开展的怎么样,男士回答说进展得很好。由此可知,男士的新业务进展情况为A“进展得很好”。B“赔钱的”和C“令人沮丧的”均与对话内容不符,因此可以排除。对话中,男士提到上周他签约了两位新客户,现在已经有五位客户了,因此排除D“缺乏客户”。
