
admin2016-06-22  84

问题 现在,我们正迈人一个新的世纪,展现在我们面前的将是更大的进步。科学家们正在着手建立新的基因数据库,研究超容量的计算机及其他一些工具,他们正在揭开有关我们的肌体是如何运转的、我们的大脑是如何储存一生的记忆等方面的奥秘。如果我是一个期望在这个新世纪做出贡献的年轻人,我将首先关注生物学。它是一个充满无数重大的、迷人的问题并需要冒险精神的竞技场。当然,与所有科学一样,它也是一个包容了整个世界而不是任何一个国家的竞技场。拥有骄人科学历史的中国,已经造就出了一批最优秀的研究者,但还有更多的潜能有待开发。世界期待着中国的年轻人用他们的智慧和热情来推进科学的发展,并为我们大家把这个星球建设成更健康更美好的地方。


答案 Now, as we enter this new century, even greater advances lie before us. Scientists are turning to new genetic databases, high-powered computers, and other tools. They are unraveling mysteries about how our bodies develop and how our brains store the memories of a lifetime. If I were a young person looking to make a contribution in this new century, I would look first to biology. It is an arena filled with important problems, fascinating questions, and a spirit of adventure. Also, like all of science, it is an arena that includes the entire world rather than any one nation. China, with its proud scientific history, is already producing some of the best researchers, but it has the potential to do even more. The world looks to the young people of China for both their brains and their hearts to help advance science and make the planet a healthier and better place for all of us.

