A、He can demonstrate his superior piloting skills. B、He can change his focus of attention and relax. C、He can show his differenc

admin2021-01-06  9

(5) The Dutch king has revealed that for more than two decades, he has held down a part-time second job, alongside his royal duties. King Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands said that he recently ended his role as a regular "guest pilot" after 21 years with a national airline’ s fleet of now outdated aircraft. As a guest flier, the king worked about twice a month, always as co-pilot. He will now retrain to fly the bigger Boeing 737s as the old planes are being phased out of service. The fifty-year-old father of three and king to 17 million Dutch citizens calls flying a "hobby". It lets him leave his royal duties on the ground and fully focus on something else. "You have an aircraft, passengers and crew. You have responsibility for them," the king said. "You can’t take your problems from the ground into the skies. (6) You can completely change focus and concentrate on something else. That, for me, is the most relaxing part of flying. " Willem-Alexander said he is rarely recognised by passengers. (7) Very few people pay attention to him as he walks through the airport in his airline uniform and cap.
Questions 5 to 7 are based on the news report you have just heard.
5. What does the report say about the Dutch king?
6. Why does the king say he likes flying?
7. What does the king say about passengers of the airport?

选项 A、He can demonstrate his superior piloting skills.
B、He can change his focus of attention and relax.
C、He can show his difference from other royalty.
D、He can come into closer contact with his people.


解析 题干问的是为什么国王说他喜欢飞行。新闻中提到,国王觉得飞行可以使他完全转移注意力,关注其他事情,对他来说这是飞行中最放松的部分,故答案为B(他可以转移注意力并且放松)。A项(他可以展示他卓越的飞行技巧)、C项(他可以显示出他与其他皇室成员的不同之处)和D项(他可以更加接近他的国民)新闻中均未提及,故排除。
