张择端是北宋时期的一位宫廷画师,拥有大量杰出作品,但最著名的应当是被后人称为“神品”的《清明上河图》(A River Scene at Qingming Festival)。它是一部写实主义的精品,以当时开封城的景象为题材绘制而成。图中人物多达 500余人

admin2014-01-21  79

问题 张择端是北宋时期的一位宫廷画师,拥有大量杰出作品,但最著名的应当是被后人称为“神品”的《清明上河图》(A River Scene at Qingming Festival)。它是一部写实主义的精品,以当时开封城的景象为题材绘制而成。图中人物多达 500余人,真实地再现了当时开封清明时节的盛况。全图结构完整,描绘准确,被传为稀世珍品。《清明上河图》将那个时代的绘画艺术推向了顶峰。


答案Zhang Zeduan is a royal painter in the Northern Song Dynasty, he left many outstanding works, but the most renowned one is A River Scene at Qingming Festival. With various scenes in Kaifeng as raw materials, the painting paints more than 500 people and thus is a lively portrayal of Kaifeng on the day of Qingming Festival. So complete in organisation and so vivid in painting, A River Scene at Qingming Festival is deemed as the peak of painting at that time.

