
admin2019-04-11  84

问题 保护绿水青山,留住蓝天白云,是全体人民福祉所系,也是对子孙后代义不容辞的责任。必须始终把建设生态文明、保护生态环境放在突出位置,强化科学治理,推广适用技术,实行最严格的源头保护制度,严守生态保护红线,以重点区域和关键领域为抓手,实施重大战略性生态工程,充分发挥市场作用,调动各类社会主体投身生态保护和建设的积极性,坚持在发展中保护、在保护中发展,让当代人受益,为中华民族永续发展奠定坚实基础。


答案 As a requisite for the well-being of the whole nation, protecting our lucid waters and lush mountains and keeping the sky blue and clouds white is also an unshirkable duty of us for our future generations. With the construction of an ecological civilization and the protection of the ecological environment always being a top priority, we should strengthen scientific management and promote the use of applicable technologies in environment improvement, implement the strictest possible protection rules at the source, and ensure that the red line in ecological protection is never crossed. With focus on key regions and sectors, we should launch major ecological projects of strategic significance, fully leverage the role of the market, and motivate all entities in the society to engage in ecological protection and development. We should make economic development and ecological protection a mutually reinforcing process so that they will both benefit the current generation and lay a solid foundation for the sustainable development of the Chinese nation.

