We cannot see it, we barely understand it, yet we know it exists because of the powerful influence it exerts on space. Dark ma

admin2022-02-15  16

问题   We cannot see it, we barely understand it, yet we know it exists because of the powerful influence it exerts on space. Dark matter makes up about 27% of the universe, and its gravitational force is enough to mesh entire galaxies together in a structure known as the cosmic web. Scientists have now created the largest map to date of this mysterious substance, but they find it could imply there is something wrong with Einstein’s theory of relativity.
  Using artificial intelligence methods to analyse images of 100M galaxies, members of the international Dark Energy Survey (DES) team—which works on revealing the nature of the dark energy driving the expansion of our universe—have created a map that covers a quarter of the southern celestial hemisphere. Visualised as pink, purple and black-mottled patches, clustered inside a pale ring, the brightest areas of the map reveal the densest areas of dark matter, corresponding to super clusters of galaxies. The black patches are cosmic voids.
  Dr. Niall Jeffrey said: " We can really see this cosmic web structure, including these enormous structures called cosmic voids, which are very low density regions of the universe where there are very few galaxies and less matter. " Scientists are interested in these structures because they suspect that gravity could behave very differently inside them. By identifying their shapes and locations, the map could provide a starting point for further study.
  According to the standard model of cosmology, the universe started with the " big bang" then expanded. Although calculations by the DES team suggest the distribution of this matter is broadly consistent with the predictions in the standard model, it is not a perfect fit. " If you look out into the universe, the matter isn’t as clumpy as expected, there are hints that are smoother," said Jeffrey. " It may seem a relatively small thing, but if these hints are true then it may mean there’s something wrong with Einstein’s theory of general relativity, one of the great pillars of physics. " One possibility is that some of the measurements that have been used to calculate how the universe should look are not correct. Alternatively, it could be a problem with the underlying model.
  Ofer, a co-author of the study, was not prepared to go that far but added; "What I say is, look, don’t be too relaxed. There’s something there which might indicate a disparity. Work hard, try to understand it by conventional means, but keep your eyes open that it could lead to a revolution in physics. "
Which of the following would be the best title for the text?

选项 A、Mapping of Dark Matter Casts Doubt on Theory of Relativity
B、Ways to Observe the Invisible Dark Matter
C、The Origin of Universe: Dark Matter
D、Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity is Wrong


解析 主旨题。原文中并没有提到观察暗物质的具体方法,故排除选项B;根据第四段,宇宙从“大爆炸”开始,并没有提到宇宙的起源是暗物质,无中生有,故选项C排除;根据选项D可定位至第四段.but if these hints are true then it may mean there’s something wrong with Einstein’s theory 0f general relativity“但如果这些暗示是真的。那么这可能意味着爱因斯坦的广义相对论有问题”,这里是有前提的,选项D的说法过于绝对,故排除:文章第一段描述暗物质的重要性,第二段和第三段详细描述国际暗能量调查团队创造的新地图的组成和特征,第四段表明暗物质的分布图可能意味着爱因斯坦的广义相对论有问题,综上,选项A最能概括文意。
