A.I didn’t express myself well. B.I misunderstood the advertisement. C.It was shorter than I expected. D.I wasn’t ap

admin2013-01-18  21

问题     A.I didn’t express myself well.
    B.I misunderstood the advertisement.
    C.It was shorter than I expected.
    D.I wasn’t appropriately dressed.
    E.It was poorly organised.
    F.There were too many applicants.
    G.I did too much preparation.
    H.One of the questions surprised me.
Woman: All I can say is that either I stood out as the best applicant straightway or they took an instant dislike to me. I’d expected to last at least 45 minutes and possibly to involve two sessions. But after I left, I managed to go for a swim and do some shopping before I got back to the office for lunch.



解析 解题的关键信息是:I’d expected to last at least 45 minutes and possibly to involve two sessions. 即:之前我预想面试至少持续45分钟。而straightway和took an instant dislike表明时间很短。
