Globalization: Disadvantages to globalization (全球化危害)

admin2010-02-11  53

问题 Globalization: Disadvantages to globalization (全球化危害)


答案Opening sentence: Globalization has visible advantages, however operations in other countries can have disadvantages. Main points: a.A firm may have to relinquish proprietary technology if it turns over some of its component manufacturing to offshore suppliers or if suppliers need the firm’s technology to achieve desired quality and cost goals. b.There may be political risks. Each nation can exercise its sovereignty over the people and property within its borders. c. Employee skills may be lower in foreign countries, requiring additional training time. d.When a firm’s operations are scattered, customer response times can be longer. Effective cross-functional connections also may be more difficult if face-to-face discussions are needed. Supporting ideas: a.Free trade is not without critics. b.The low wage countries keep wages artificially low. c.The underdeveloped countries undercut environmental laws. Concluding sentences: Relocation decisions involve added complexities when a firm sets up facilities abroad. Firms must take a global view of their market opportunities and competitors.

