Selective New York City public high schools are supposed to make it easy for families to see their detailed admission criteria,

admin2022-11-16  61

问题     Selective New York City public high schools are supposed to make it easy for families to see their detailed admission criteria, but only a fraction of schools do so, according to a new report from Fordham Law School. Just 20 of 157 screened high-school programs put their rubrics for evaluating applicants online or gave them to researchers upon request, the report said Tuesday. At a time when selectivity in admission to public schools is under scrutiny, the report said families deserve far more information on exactly how students are judged.
    In the city’s complex system, eighth-graders competing for seats rank up to 12 choices, selective schools rank applicants, and an algorithm makes matches. The city Department of Education website and high-school directory show general requirements for each school. But the agency has said each school should make available a rubric showing the precise weighting of admission criteria, such as test scores, course grades, attendance and punctuality. Those details help students determine whether they are viable candidates and avoid wasting their picks on programs where they have no shot.
    More transparency "could go far in helping some families better navigate the process and level the playing field," said Dora Galacatos, executive director of Fordham’s Feerick Center for Social Justice, which issued the "Screened Out" report. George Westinghouse High School in Brooklyn was one of the few to provide rubrics. It gave 15% of points for attendance, 15% for punctuality, 7.5% for each of the four core course grades, and 40% for state test scores in math and reading.
    Department of Education officials said they instruct screened schools annually to make rubrics available, and would remind principals in their next newsletter. "We’re committed to a fair and transparent admissions process," said spokeswoman Katie O’Hanlon. Screening faces critics who say it aggravates segregation by race and income, partly because affluent families have more resources to deal with the system and pay for tutoring. Supporters of screening say it helps high-performing students learn at a faster pace.
    Researchers at the Feerick Center hunted for admissions rubrics on school websites, sent letters to principals asking for rubrics, and made two rounds of phone calls to high schools, between June 2018 and February. Most of the roughly 77,000 students who applied to high school sought to get into at least one screened program, which offered about 15,700 seats in 2017, the report said.
Selective New York City public high schools should provide parents with________.

选项 A、detailed admittance standards
B、more complicated instruction
C、the city’s complex teaching system
D、the special requirements


解析 根据题干关键信息Selective New York City public high schools和provide parents with可定位至第一段。该段提出,福特汉姆法学院的一份最新报告显示,纽约市精英公立中学应该让家长更方便地了解详细的录取标准,但只有一小部分学校这样做。由此可知,作者在这里提出的是,希望纽约精英公立中学为家长提供详细的录取标准,故选项A为正确答案。B项more complicated instruction(更复杂的指示)和D项the special requirements(特殊要求)原文并未提及,均应排除;原文第二段虽然提到city’s complex system,但说的是这座城市复杂的入学系统,C项the city’s complex teaching system(该城市复杂的教学系统)答非所问,应排除。
