As manufacturers continue to roll out new smartphones, luring customers to ditch their old phones, data security experts warn th

admin2016-10-20  44

问题     As manufacturers continue to roll out new smartphones, luring customers to ditch their old phones, data security experts warn that improperly disposed phones can be mined for personal data by hackers in the U. S. and abroad.
    The Environmental Protection Agency reports more than 416,000 cellphones are disposed of every day and almost 40% of cellphone users fail to take any security measures, such as erasing their data before disposing of them.
    According to the EPA, the average American is expected to buy a new cellphone every 24 months. After new cellphones are purchased, old phones are either recycled or trashed. More than 80% of e-waste is exported to Asia where workers break down electronic devices for metals, particularly gold and silver.
    Without federal regulations on proper handling procedures, there is no way to assure consumers a best practice for e-cycling. Currently the EPA does not have any data on the amount of e-waste being exported—only data on how much is being recycled, which for cellphones is less than 10%.


答案 随着制造商不断推出新款智能手机,诱使顾客弃用他们的旧手机,数据安全专家警告说,旧手机处置不当可能导致个人信息被美国国内外的黑客窃取。 环境保护署的报告称,每天有超过41.6万部旧手机被处理掉,但是约40%的手机用户未采取任何安全措施,比如在处置之前抹掉手机中的信息。 根据环保署的报告,普通美国人估计每两年购买一部新手机。购得新手机以后,旧手机要么被回收,要么当垃圾处理。大多数情况下,旧手机最终在一个近海填埋场填埋掉。超过80%的电子垃圾出口到亚洲,那里的工人将电子设备拆解,获取各种金属,特别是金和银。 由于联邦政府对旧手机的妥善处置未作出规定,所以无法确保消费者在电子回收方面做到最好。目前,环保署没有任何关于电子垃圾出口数量的数据,只有回收方面的数据一旧手机的回收率不到10%。

