信用卡(credit card)在1985年引入中国。此后,信用卡的发卡量以惊人的速度增长,到2011年达到了2.85亿张。信用卡给消费者带来诸多好处。用卡付账时,持卡人不需要携带大量现金,还会经常得到一些额外的奖励。而且,持卡人还可以从发卡机构获得一定数

admin2020-06-30  15

问题     信用卡(credit card)在1985年引入中国。此后,信用卡的发卡量以惊人的速度增长,到2011年达到了2.85亿张。信用卡给消费者带来诸多好处。用卡付账时,持卡人不需要携带大量现金,还会经常得到一些额外的奖励。而且,持卡人还可以从发卡机构获得一定数额的贷款。然而,信用卡也常常使持卡人过度消费,购买一些他们并不真正需要的商品。


答案 The credit card was introduced into China in 1985. Since then, credit cards were issued at an astonishing rate, reaching 285 million by 2011. Credit cards bring consumers a variety of benefits. When paying the bills with credit cards, card holders don’t need to carry large amounts of cash and they are frequently offered some extra rewards. In addition, card holders can get a certain amount of loans from the card issuing institutions. However, card holders are often encouraged to overspend and purchase the goods they don’t really need.

解析 1.第1句是没有被动标识词的被动句,翻译时需把“被引入”的意思表达出来,译作the credit card wasintroduced into China。时间状语“在1985年”可译为in 1985,置于句末。
2.第2句中的“信用卡的发卡量……,到2011年达到……”可译为并列结构credit cards were issued…andreached…。但译文中的“到2011年达到……”用分词短语reaching 285 million…来表结果,逻辑关系会更强。
3.第4句中的时间状语“用卡付账时”译为when paying the bills with credit cards;“还会经常得到一些额外的奖励”可译为often get some extra rewards,也可译为被动语态are frequently offered some extrarewards。
4.最后一句中的“信用卡也常常使持卡人过度消费”可简单译为credit cards often tempt their holders into overspending;也可用card holders作主语,使上下文的叙述角度(持卡人)保持一致,用be encouraged来表达“被诱惑”之义。句末的“购买一些……商品”可处理成与“过度消费”并列的结构,其中的定语“他们并不真正需要的”较长,可将其处理成定语从句,置于修饰词goods之后。
