A、Ten years ago. B、Five years ago. C、Fifteen years ago. D、Several weeks ago. A此题为细节信息题。对话中有关这位女士的信息较多,根据问题:何时骨折的?原文信息是I slipped

admin2018-02-26  42

M: Louise, what are you doing now?
W: Oh, just listening to music, looking through magazines.
M: Staying in the house on a nice day like this? Come on, let’s go play tennis.
W: Oh great! You made my day.
Q: What is the woman going to do?
M: Now, I’d like to ask you about any illnesses you’ve had in the past. Could you tell me about this?
W: Let me think. . . I had my appendix out when I was 15. And I had a chest infection when I was on holiday in the USA 5 years ago. That’s all.
M: Could you tell me if you’ve had any accidents or injured yourself at any time?
W: Well yes, I slipped on the ice and broke my neck 10 years ago. Actually I was in hospital then for several weeks. I’d forgotten that.
Q: When did the woman have a bone fracture?

选项 A、Ten years ago.
B、Five years ago.
C、Fifteen years ago.
D、Several weeks ago.


解析 此题为细节信息题。对话中有关这位女士的信息较多,根据问题:何时骨折的?原文信息是I slipped on the ice and fractured my neck 10 years ago,因而答案是A。
