中国的食物可以大致分成北方和南方两种烹饪风格。北方菜相对来说较油腻,喜欢在菜里使用醋(vinegar)和大蒜(garlic)。面食(cooked wheaten food)是北方菜系的重要部分。面条、馄饨(ravioli)、饺子、包子(steamed st

admin2017-01-21  13

问题     中国的食物可以大致分成北方和南方两种烹饪风格。北方菜相对来说较油腻,喜欢在菜里使用(vinegar)和大蒜(garlic)。面食(cooked wheaten food)是北方菜系的重要部分。面条、馄饨(ravioli)、饺子、包子(steamed stuffed buns)和馒头只是北方人喜欢吃的众多面食中的一部分。北方菜系中最有名的地域包括了北京、天津、山东等。南方烹饪风格的代表是川菜和湘菜,它们以大量地使用辣椒(chili peppers)而闻名。在整个南方的烹饪体系中,江苏和浙江地区突出菜肴的鲜味和柔软,而粤菜则偏甜且种类繁多。


答案 Chinese food can be roughly divided into Northern and Southern styles of cooking. In general, Northern dishes are relatively oily and the use of vinegar and garlic tends to be quite popular. Cooked wheaten food also plays an important role in Northern cooking. Noodles, ravioli, dumplings, steamed stuffed buns and steamed bread are just a few of the many foods made of flour enjoyed in the North of China. The best known regional variations of Northern Chinese cuisine include those of Beijing, Tianjin and Shandong. Representatives of Southern cooking styles are Szechwan and Hunan cuisine, which are famous for their liberal use of chili peppers. Within the whole of Southern cooking, Jiangsu and Zhejiang regions emphasize freshness and tenderness, while Guangdong cuisine tends to be somewhat sweet and always full of variety.

解析 1.注意首句中“中国的食物”与“大致分成”是被动关系,要用被动语态,其中“大致”是副词来修饰动词“分成”,可以译为be roughly divided into。
2.第二句中,“较油腻”可以译为oily,并用relatively修饰;句子的后半部分“喜欢在菜里使用醋和大蒜”的动作发出者是“人”,与Northern dishes是被动关系,可译为名词结构the use of vinegar and garlic。
3.第五句中“……最有名的地域”可以译为The best known regional variations of….
4.第六句中需要知道中国省份的简称,“川”指的是“四川”,与之对照的英文为Szechwan,“湘”指的是“湖南”;句子的后半部分“以……而闻名”可以译为be famous for…;“大量地使用”可以译为liberal use。
